Best Games

Five Nights at Thomas

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Five Nights at Thomas is another parody of the timeless classic. You are a guard whose task is to survive. Put coal in the furnace and watch the door. Don’t let him get to you. You are absolutely defenseless, you only have a flashlight! Be careful!

It is not bad, as it may seem at first glance. There is a good sound, scary screamers, and convenient controls. Despite the fact that they are trying to scare you, there are also elements of humor. If you love banter, then you will get great pleasure from it.

It has other, equally cool parts. In case you don’t like the cartoon it’s based on, just find one with a similar idea. Or go back to the original. In general, you decide whether it is worth spending time on it. If you think so, then good luck with your survival. Recommend it also to your friends who love creepy things. Or timid so that you enjoy their suffering.